Calming Down

Got some good anti-nausea meds from the hospital; put them to use yesterday, and Cassidy is doing a lot better. Today she’s perked up and stompin’ around like usual again. An answer to prayer.

My SMART goal about making more time to be creative is going nicely so far. I don’t do something every single day but that wasn’t the point; it was to make sure that, when I can, I’m taking time to try things. So far my favourite activities have been updating my 200-in-1 tumblr and, surprising myself, doing a few little still-life drawings in the notebook I bought. My art isn’t perfectly lifelike because that isn’t my style, but I’ve found I enjoy slowing down, studying something, and picking certain details that make it recognizably the Thing I’m Drawing. I suppose it’s a similar feeling for people who don’t like to draw but enjoy adult colouring books; it’s calming to feel like you’re working meticulously on something small and precise, I guess.

My counselor also advised that, during my Year of Creativity, to write everything down. All the ideas, even if I wasn’t anywhere close to actually doing something with them. Not a bad suggestion either.

Thing I Saw: snowdrifts outside our office windows, sculpted by the wind and slightly different every day.

Thing I Learned: A child’s barf is never fun to deal with, but when that barf combines red juice and noodles from soup it is uniquely horrible. Like she’s full of annelids *shudder*

I’m Grateful For: Better health for Cassidy and better sleep / tension levels for us πŸ™‚

Our futon experience in Japan was one of the most unexpectedly comfy sleeps on our whole trip. Also relevant because it’s still hideously cold outside