Hey spambots who comment on this blog, are you actually reading the entries? I’d love to hear from you. Hit me up with more comments and make sure it includes incredibly sketchy links to online pharmacies.
For the past few months I’ve been using my afternoons at work to do illustrations for a Low German textbook being developed in Bolivia, but as of yesterday I actually got caught up and I’m feeling a little…bereft or purpose today. I’m sure I’ll get the next Word doc soon but it’s been a pretty quiet afternoon. Of course, as with any job there are lots of little busywork tasks that have been sitting on my list forever, so probably it’s time to tackle those.

Last year sometime I bought a Roxio Game Capture HD device, with the hope of upping my capture quality for older games. I was confused about getting it to work and it wasn’t friendly to older consoles, so I tried to return it. Roxio basically said “eh, here’s your money back, keep it” and I’ve been sitting on it since then.
But! This week I decided to try again with a PS3 and a copy of Lost: Via Domus that I’ve also been sitting on since last year, and hey presto, it’s working! The game seems to be the perfect amount of Not Very Good that makes for a fun LP, and I’m excited to be working on something new in that department. Please look forward to it!

Thing I Saw: Mountains of snow, everywhere. We usually experience Winter in all it’s Winteryness, with cold and snow and everything, but this Winter has been Particularly Wintery and as a result there’s actual blind corners in an otherwise flat town because snow’s just piled up all over. Hey Winter, you can pump the brakes now, ease off a lil
Thing I Learned: From this Reddit thread on “obvious but obscure information” I learned that blind people wear glasses because they can like, still get eye damage and diseases and such. I mean, of course. I’d just never thought about it???
I’m Grateful For: A project that excites me!